a quiet few weeks - today (well, yesterday now, I'm at the cusp of a new dawn) was 2 months since chemo, and 3 weeks since the end of rads. My physical side effects are mostly gone -my mouth is still a mite dry, and my gag reflex is still mighty poor, but, other than that, things were going well.
Until last week. I developed a cough and went to get some antibiotics. So far, so good.
I also felt my neck for the first time in ages. And found a little bump on the left side. Yeah, okay, relapse at this point is incredibly unheard of. But still - these little bumps were the precursor to something nasty (HL!) taking hold. Cue, well, not panic, but discomfort inside. Suddenly little twinges in my neck became new nodes sprouting again; little itches in my feet (which normal people get all the time - except I don't quite remember normal anymore) became big stings that required the light on every 5 mins to check if they were Hodgkin's angry red marks. Fear begat sleeplessness- cancer tiredness? No, surely not - I feel a lot more energetic and far fitter these days.
Look, I've fought it down and held it together. I've survived what I've had to survived and did it with as much strength as I could muster. But I honestly thought that might have been it. I really hope that there isn't more in store, and it's just - well, I don't know what it is. Maybe a reaction to my virus (very mild; antibiotics a precaution)?
So, I'm going back to the chemo ward on Friday morning to get checked out. Yep, good ol vom central. I really CAN wait. I feel sick whenever I think of going up there.. I hope it's all okay.
I'll write on Friday after being examined - I'm guessing it'll be a "watch and wait" but, I hope, they'll just say it's nothing to worry about; hopefully nodes stick up in other people, too. It's just that nodes sticking up doesn't lead to cancer in other people. So let's hope I've rejoined everyone else again, rather than being cancer boy reincarnate.