Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Zap One

No, it doesn't hurt at all. It's just like having a scan - except you're in a green face mask which is tightly clamped to your cranium.

I basically just took my shirt off (don't all scream at once, girls) and was led into a room which housed this contraption:

Saturn the radio waver
 It's called Saturn (they're all named after planets) and it's the machine that delivered the radio waves to my affected areas. You can see my mask perched on the end of the bed, too.

I was positioned, repositioned, tweaked and moved slightly to the left and right for what felt like ages - all in all, the treatment itself actually took about 5 minutes, but they had to keep moving me around to ensure I was at the right angle to be hit by the beams in the affected areas. As I looked up, this was the amazing view I had:

You can see my topless reflection, ladies
acquiescent aqueous cream
 And yeah, that was it - it felt like having a scan taken, as I've said. I didn't feel anything at the time, and I don't really feel anything right now either.

In any case, the radiographer explained to me that I'd get some soreness on the neck, bit like sunburn, and probably some dryness of the throat and perhaps some minor difficulties swallowing. I've been given the cream on the right to lather and soothe the skin, twice a day.

And yeah, that's it. I walked out, and got on the tube as if I'd just had a normal scan. Perfecto.

Same again tomorrow, for the next 15 days - hopefully it'll be as quick and painless as that next time around!?


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