Interestingly, there are side effects despite there being no impact upon you during the actual rads treatment. And they're actually, annoyingly, quite tangible (though nothing compared to the nauseated chemo experience, as I keep having to remind myself!)
I slept until 11:30am today. I haven't been able to sleep long for ages - not since I started feeling tired from cancer, not even after chemos. But last night I was so wiped out it was unreal. I could just imagine all of the little cells in my neck and chest frantically dividing and redividing as they dealt with the impact of the the rads.
I wasn't really responsive to my parents talking to me and, unusually for me, I didn't feel like gaming and instead just watched trashy TV until 10, when I went to bed.
I can only imagine the tiredness getting worse! It's okay, though - part of it is definitely the fact that it was my first full(ish) week back at work on top of the rads, which is, in itself, fairly tiring... I guess I used to sleep quite late on Saturdays pre-cancer too (though I was, invariably, quite hungover) so I'd suppose it's a case of plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose...
Other side effects include a feeling of very slight sunburn on my neck and chest and, also, a weird salivary situation. My mouth feels pretty dry (necessitating a lot of ice cream and fruit pastilles ice lollies) the whole time, and, when I'm digesting food, the spit feels kind of thick. Very weird.
But, all in all, it's very manageable. 12 days to go until I'm done treatment.
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