Tuesday, 9 June 2015

More pills

Sadly, it's now gotten incredibly uncomfortable to swallow if I am without any painkillers. By uncomfortable, I mean that unaided swallowing is almost cryingly painful. I thought it was bad on Sunday night/Monday morning, but last night was just terrible; I kept waking up in dire pain in my throat, all dried out and with swallowing incurring a wince and a yelp pre and post completion.

So, I'm on cocodemol which, as every medicine cabinet afficionado knows, is a rather strong painkiller - codeine mixed with your old pal parecetmol. They're in effervescent tab form so I can swallow them - here they are:
I've just downed a couple and am pleased - they seem to be incredibly effective... I almost felt the pain ebbing away by the minute.
Let's hope this holds! 

Today was radiotherapy 10/15. Tomorrow is the last Wed ever of cancer treatment - today was the last day where there was at least another week to go of treatment.

We inch ever closer to the end...

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