My treatment yesterday went very quickly; I was all finished by three!
I spoke to my cancer nurse as well yesterday who said that the complete remission news was very positive - of course - and also gave some clarity to everything:
- Complete remission means over 75% reduction in the mass of the infected areas. Interesting, eh?
- Complete remission varies between people; some have partial (i.e. ~50%) remission; some have no response - so it's a good thing
- If I haven't lost my eyebrows by now, I'm not going to!
- After my radiotherapy, I'll have 3 months of recovery followed by a final scan, which will determine my Final Outcome. If I finish chemo in May and have 3 weeks of radio, this'll take me up to late June. I'd guess the PET would therefore be in September time.
I think that the associative disgust is also really strong now for me nowadays; I felt sick the moment I sat down in the hospital to have my treatment. My body is just taking psychological cues from the surroundings and acting up.
It's a mental battle as much as anything now as I smash towards the finishing line - chemo is ended in less than 4 weeks now and, as I kept telling myself last night, it's almost over.
I feel much better this morning.
Tomorrow I am 26.
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