Sunday, 5 April 2015

Easter treat

Happy Easter, everyone.


I went out to Bristol to see my Nan this weekend, which was nice as I hadn't had the chance to go and see her since I was diagnosed; I wasn't able to go down there at the last juncture as my Nan had a cough!

It was nice to be down there to see her. And, of course, be treated to one of her famous roast dinners over general catch up.

My family seemed surprised that I wasn't frail or pale - "looking well" was a constant refrain - which was nice for me to hear and, I suspect, them to see .

Anyway, further news.

I got back from my Nan's house to some mail - in particular, the update letter from my consultant to the GP.

On it was a general report about me, and then, below that, was a single, heart-lifting line:

In case you can't read that on your device, it says:

"PET scan from 26th March 2015 confirms complete metabolic remission."

I was kind of overwhelmed with emotion seeing it, but then kind of stabilised quite quickly as  I realised that I didn't know anything yet; it's still all to be, I guess, "revealed" on the next clinic visit on the 22nd April.

Either way, I think it means that I don't have cancer any more :).
Anything with the "r" word has to be good, right?

Will report back more as soon as I find out more, but, overall, I feel like it might all be looking like its coming to an end. 
I so, so hope it is.

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