Sunday, 26 April 2015

empathy for marathoners

I'm doing alright following Friday's high-temp incident. I'm quite tired in general, and am feeling a little bit fed up about everything. I couldn't sleep last night due to loud rain, and was woken up by people putting stuff onto the street this morning. Either way, I'm still a little more fed up than usual with my circumstances. However, I reckon it's to be expected to hit 'the wall' at some point
i'm one of these. figuratively

Seguing nicely on this metaphor, just a quick one to say that my balcony overlooked the London marathon today, and it was amazing to see the throngs of people running down the street (of course, it's kind of littered with rubbish now!) and also to listen to the wellwishers who were out to cheer on those running. I don't know whether people were there for someone in particular or just for the spectacle, but the amount of people with loudspeakers was quite cool, alongside the amount of well meaning but still semi-sexist language ("come on dahlin'" / "you can do it luv" / "keep goin' gawjus") being espoused by one especially audible - and visible - gentleman.

I thought, reflecting on people working hard physically below, that marathons and cancer treatment have a lot in common. You start with a smile, if a little trepidation. You endure countless ups and downs; moments of encouragement interspersed with occasional seconds of doubt. There are milestones; 1/4 through; 1/3; 1/2; 2/3; 3/4... 7/8. And, as light begins to shimmer from the end of the figurative tunnel, you paradoxically begin to feel whacked, yet know you can do it.

I'm almost there. I'm so tired, mentally and physically, but I know I can make it over the line and be better for it. Much like the marathoners.


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