Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Bone marrow clarity

Went into clinic today for a follow up after cycle one, and got my marrow results, too.

All clear! And no more bone marrow biopsies ever again! Yay!

In fact, she only told me about the results when I asked - which is only a good sign in my book.

She also examined my lumps and said it all felt noticeably smaller (if I feel it myself that's true for sure), which means I'm responding to treatment. Double yay!

There had been a little build up in my head coming into today (probably what my lil tension headaches are attributable to). Of course, the family and I were worried about all this; the bone marrow was the last part of the diagnostic process - the outstanding potential spanner in the works. So I was mightily relieved to hear the all clear. I hope the next time I hear those words - all clear - it's referring to my cancer in general :)

I had my blood test, too and, all being well (if the little fighters in my blood are strong enough - which they should be) I'll begin Cycle 2 (treatment 3/8) on Friday. 

It's really the correct term; "Cycle". Everything kind of just repeats itself - Friday treatment, 2-3 days feeling bleurgh, okay by Thur, a week of slowly forgetting about lymphoma, then Friday treatment again. I'm getting kind of bored of it already, but really, I'm not precluded from doing too much I normally do, apart from going out in the evenings amongst the crowds and working 'til after 4. I'm thankful that it's like that; with any luck it'll continue being that way and I can just get on with it. 

Also, my hair looks okay, a bit thinner if I scrutinise it but who knows. Only short term.

Treatment 3 on Friday then... almost halfway there. Feeling a lot more encouraged today - might do a high-octane work out to celebrate :)


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