Thursday, 19 February 2015

Exercise bike and discharge from hospital one

Going back to work tomorrow and feeling strong again. Completed both courses of anti-sickness tablets and no longer feel queasy so all good.

Went to see the doctor at the hospital where I had operation today (as opposed to the hospital where I'm being treated) to have my follow up on my biopsy op site. It's still there as a scar but not particularly angry or anything. The doc said it was all fine and good, it'd just take time to recover and recede to just a little scar on my neck (~2-3 months.. maybe longer because of chemotherapy). Also gave me the usual "if I could choose a cancer for myself it'd be this..." spiel, which was nice to hear (as usual!). I was then discharged as a patient from hospital one... one hospital down, one to go!
Home exercise enabler

Apart from this, I've been okay and have had relatively little to report (unless you like gaming - I'm guessing most people reading these words do not so I'm not expanding and wasting people's time!).

As with last week, as the feelings of sickness faded, I began to get more and more bored, so, luckily, on Monday my exercise bike arrived and I started using it (in conjunction with the weights and stability ball) to do some light exercise routines. For example, I did 10k today. Some lovely person has given me a few in-home routines to do to keep me occupied when I feel stronger, so I'l try to stick to that and become fitter during my time "off". It's such a good little outlet, and really odd to think that I'm subconsciously living a really healthy lifestyle at the minute, starved necessarily of the sin goods I'd normally be ingesting a few times a week. An unexpected silver lining.

I'll be back to work tomorrow (10-4), relaxing with friends/fam over the weekend, then back into work Mon, Tue and Thur of next week.

On Wednesday I am going to the haematology clinic to see the consultant and probably just catch up with how I'm doing, plus hear about my bone marrow biopsy (which I'm a teensy bit apprehensive about) and get my blood done so they can measure the neurophils (fighters) in there in preparation for next Friday, where the cycle begins again. Not the exercise cycle. The cancer curing one.

Expect I'll write again Wednesday about the results of the clinic


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