This evening, I went for the first run I'd gone on since I was diagnosed.
Now, I'm no fitness junkie or anything, but last year I was (up until December when I felt like something was kind of wrong) gymming a lot and generally trying to improve my healthy living. But I hadn't really done anything since diagnosis, and, to be honest, I'd started to feel a bit like I needed some sort of outlet from the monotony of work, home, sleep, work.
This evening it was nice. Around 8 degrees centigrade (46 fahrenheit), and the twilight was pretty. Prime running weather. Songs on my spotify (music player) were consecutively higher tempo, willing me toward some exercise. I felt energetic; boundless.
Nan, who was on the phone to me, was sagely advising me not to overdo it and just wait 'til it's a bit warmer before I start going off and doing that sort of thing.
I listened intently to the advice of my elders and betters with as much acuity I usually do: as soon as I got home, I promptly stripped off my work clothes and put on my running gear. Then out I went.
Sorry Nan!
Out on the road, it wasn't too bad going - the run to Canary Wharf is about 1.9km according to google maps, but I take a longer route in. So I'd reckon it's about 4-5km there and back. It wasn't too cold, but I could feel it in my chest where I hadn't exercised for a while. But it was pretty out there:
I didn't run the whole way there and back - my fitness unfortunately isn't as high as I'd like at the moment, so I had to do some walking - but I got there and back again, safe and sound.
Now I'm all showered and warm again. And I feel good.
A cathartic experience. Must keep doing as often as I can.
Plans this week are a night Xboxing with my friend tonight, Dad staying tomorrow, maybe out with friends Wed and/or Thur all in preparation for Friday. Think this'll be the strongest I'll be before the cumulative affects of the chemo start to mount up, so I want to get stuff in where I can... plus, I can't let it stop it living as full a life as possible, can I? :)
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