Sunday, 15 February 2015

Slightly queasy but bearable

Almost 48 hours since 1b, and I'm feeling okay. The only thing is that I basically feel slightly queasy the whole time - it's not the intense nausea I had on Friday night, just a little, persistent feeling of blurgh (that's the technical term). I also woke up in the middle of the night yesterday needing to take a pill to settle my tummy, which hasn't happened so far - am just a bit tired today overall as a result of having fragmented sleep.

Imprinted on my brain as a pre-teen!
The closest thing I've ever experienced like this was when I would play my Gameboy all day when I was younger and got square eyes and a sore head.  Seriously, images from Pokemon such as this one on the right were imprinted on my brain given how much I smashed that game!
The anti-sickness pills make it all bearable, but I hope that they will be able to provide me with those aprepitant super-pills to get rid of this hangover feeling after 2a. I say this just because it is a bit irritating if all I can do is sit around watching TV all day at this moment and that kind of makes me feel a bit sick.

Speaking of inactivity, a foldable exercise bike has been ordered (courtesy of Bank o' Dad) so I can do some cardio in home. My metabolism is off the charts at the moment because - according to the nurse the other day, anyway - my body basically needs fuel to deal with it all. I really don't want to get overweight if I'm housebound more than usual... not a good look for me - I got childbearing hips in the mixed race body lottery so any paunch becomes amplified!!

As with 1a, as long as the side effects are confined to nausea and sleepiness, I think I can live with that.

I'm already dreaming of remission, normality and freedom. I've noticed myself feeling a bit pent up and frustrated at times as life continues around me and I feel like I'm at a stand still. It's tough as someone used to going at pace the whole time. But, like nausea and sleepiness, it could be worse, and I need to be thankful for that.

As for the rest of this week, I'll be in again tomorrow - my cousin's coming in a bit to play FIFA avec moi tonight and will stay over - but will see if I can head out for a short walk in the afternoon. Then, I'll see a friend for lunch Tues, have a follow up meeting in clinic for ENT to check up on my biopsy would on Wed, and hopefully return to work on Thursday. See what everyone makes of my shaven headed new look...


1 comment:

  1. Just heard the super news from Nan. Onward and upward.
    Bob and Anne. No.6
