Saturday, 14 March 2015

ABVD - 4/8

Surprisingly okay.
in the right place

I took my laptop in and distracted myself throughout the process and I was almost finished on the dacarbazine (drug four) before I knew it, which was really nice. It seems like my aprepitant (the new anti-sickness pills I'm on) are very effective and do me good.

The sweets I took with me really helped. The only thing I might have jinxed was my lunch of ham,cheese and pickle sandwiches which have now been tainted by association with chemo and feeling crappy... It makes me feel a bit sick typing those words, for example1

They also stuck the cannula in the right place (my left wrist) so I don't have any real pain today, which is nice.

I went to bed last night at 6 and stayed there - half waking half sleeping - until about 8am this morning. 

I feel a bit shaky but actually not all that bad at all today - a seamless chemo day was had. I hope they're all like that.

Time to relax on the PlayStation and recover.


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