Friday, 27 March 2015

interim PET scan

So I went to see the haematologist yesterday

The physical examination was all good. She said she couldn't feel any nodes anywhere on my body (as opposed to the last cycle) and I looked like I was taking everything well. I'm getting some new pills (more!) to help me cope with the bouts of indigestion I've been getting in between.

Hospital clothes don't work
The big news is that I had an interim PET scan this morning. It was a bit of a faff because I got up early to get there and they didn't have the radioactive sugar they needed, meaning I had to walk back to work (a 25 min stroll) to get my laptop before returning again later on... the day was a bit buggered up.

At least I got to wear my favourite gowns again.

The scan, anyway, was fairly smooth - usual procedure of being injected with the sugar, going to lie in a dark room for 45 mins or so, then being put through a whirring scanner. Remember, I was injected with the sugar to see what parts of my body are metabolising - from how I understand it, cancerous cells seem to show up as metabolising in this regard in the PET results.

Anyway, the results of this scan will dictate which path my treatment will take. As it stands, there are two:

  • The course of radiotherapy I was initially promised after 4 cycles (i.e. finishing in May, as I've been anticipating) 
  • I have no radiotherapy and have an extra 2 cycles, taking me up to a total of 6 (i.e. finishing in July)
Obviously, I'm hopeful of the former - it all depends how well my body has been performing in terms of responding to chemo. As I've said, visually, externally it appears responsive. Let's just hope it's the same internally.

ABVD 5/8 tomorrow. I hope it's still out of 8. Otherwise it's not even halfway if it's out of 12 (option B), which did unsettle me a bit yesterday. But anyway. 
This cycle I'm ruining fruitellas.  All in all, feeling a little apprehensive but just keen to continue the slog... obviously a little wary of how crap I'll feel tomorrow night but apart from that it's head down, onwards and upwards

See you on the other side... again

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