Just a quick one to say that, as with the weather, I've started to feel better and come out of the general malaise I was feeling last week.
It's such a nice day - here's the blue sky view from my balcony today:
Time to watch some football and enjoy today; roast dinner with friends tomorrow.
This week I'll return to work and try to have a few days of being as normal as possible. I'm still tired but I'm trying to get on with it as best I can. I can be a bit tetchy, too - probably a product of the sleepiness! I think it'll probably be this way throughout the rest of chemo now so I'll have to, as usual, adapt to survive. I'm sure I will.
Hair still malting everywhere too - a fair amount on my pillow and in the bath. But there's no bald patches yet really - maybe a sliver every here and there but apparently not noticeable to anyone other than me.
Will write after ABVD 2b - I'll be half way through by next Friday (it's treatment 4 out of 8). It's weird to think I've come so far, but still have half way to go. Kind of daunting - but maybe all a bit quicker in from here, like going down the slope after reaching the top of the mountain, or like getting to Friday once Wednesday is over :)
I've also not had any alcohol for 6 week too. Amazing.
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