Monday, 2 March 2015

Cycle 2 - first impressions

It takes longer to get over it. I was okay-ish by Sunday night in cycle 1... was still quite feeling it yesterday and went to bed at 10 (unbelievably early for me!) - woke up at 10 today so I'm feeling a bit brighter and better which is a huge relief :)

There's a few things which have been plaguing me. One is a new one, the others are kind of recurrent.

The first is a weird prickly feeling in my veins in my lower arms. It's probably through where they've done the chemo through my hand and I'm using the muscles nearby (to grip a ps4 controller, mostly). It was keeping me awake on the Friday night after chemo, but it kind of makes sense when you figure the powerful drugs they were pumping through them. Either way, I'm going to ask that they don't put it in my hand again if possible. I did call this in and they said as long as I wasn't all swollen it was okay.

The second is a weird tug on my left temple. It's intermittent and might be related to anything really. Chemo makes you very suspicious of your body in general so I'm just keeping it under review and I'll call it in if it changes.

The third is my ever present nausea, especially if I think of Friday or even think about saline or salt water. My dad put some sealant up in the bathroom and the salty tang it gives off almost made me vom the first time I was in there. Awful.

All in all, it's taken me a day longer to feel better. But, as always, I'm generally positive about it all; this is all short term pain for a life time of gain, but I thought I'd record how I'm feeling right now anyway.

Oh yeah, and hair.. no real malting as of yet! Looks maybe a little thinner? But I don't see much drop off.. maybe I'll be one of those who doesn't lose it? Who knows :)

Onwards and upwards.

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