Went in to see the haematologist today, all braced for a diagnosis as you know... she was very nice, but she didn't have any of the information. In fact, it turns out they need me to have more tests and the results of the biopsy (last tuesday) and the CT scan (monday) aren't available yet!
All in all, a big anticlimax.
The schedule for the next few days is another scan - this time, a PET scan, which sounds like it's a more detailed version of a CT scan - and I had a further blood test today. Next Wednesday is the day.

My steristrip across the incision into my neck also came off today, so I have this little cut across my neck on full show (with the lumps still underneath, minus their one compadre that was removed in the biopsy):
Can't decide whether it's cool or not!
Either way, it'll be one to point to and tell the grandkids about someday.
So, another week on ice I suppose all in all. Shame, but at the end of the day they need to get the diagnosis right!
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