Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Interesting research results

Another quick one.

I was stumbling around the internet this afternoon (when I should've been working - sorry Company) and, on the Lymphoma association's website, found this!:

[Source: Lymphoma association. Link to PDF here]

This is a booklet for kids going through HL (bless them all... dear me), but the nominative determinism just made it something I had to put on this blog! A little Asian (in the US sense) kid, too! What are the chances!? (okay, Tom is a common name and I'm sure there are other Asian people called Tom... but seriously!) I was just like WHAAAT!

Additionally, here's the adult version of this booklet (which I've just received) telling me what to expect, which is full of information and written in a clear, accessible way for people like me to know what's going on:

[there is a digital copy of this, too, again via the venerable Lymphoma association, accessible here]

Without being overly political, it's just astounding that this kind of support exists in the real world. My frequent use of Macmillan - through which I've met (or, rather, electronically met... e-met?) has also been so useful and helpful. I definitely need to do something to support these organisations when I'm cured. It's just incredible how much people do for other people without money tainting the scene (infer from that what you will on my views on the NHS ;))

I'll update the blog tomorrow on practical matters (I have my absence management meeting with my company's human resources dept tomorrow) and also some thoughts before I begin treatment on Friday.


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