Saturday, 31 January 2015

Bone Marrow biopsy - DO NOT READ IF SQUEAMISH


I couldn't write last night because of the impact of all these crazy drugs filtering through my system! On a bit more of a level now so here's what happened.

I've had to split what happened yesterday over 2 posts so it's not monstrous. This bit is also a bit graphic so I thought best to keep this one separate. Here goes.

Yesterday, I arrived at the hospital about 9:45 and got seen right away forrrrrr.... The Bone Marrow Biopsy!

This was not pleasant. Possibly, the worst procedure I've had so far - painful, not, like, on the limit of pain, but still pretty bad.

The basic premise was that I was curled up in the foetal position whilst they inserted a couple of big needles in me and sucked out some blood and some marrow, under heavy local anaesthetic.

If that doesn't make you feel bad enough, here's the implements they used (which were hurriedly hidden from me by the doctor when he walked in);
The doc put some local anaesthetic on and kept prodding me with the needle to see if it hurt or not - it really stung when the anaesthetic was injected into me, but quickly went numb and I couldn't feel the needle any more.

Unfortunately, the actual (two part) procedure rather hurt. The first bit (blood) was okay - imagine a poke in the back that hurts a little bit. The second bit (marrow extraction) was not okay at all. It was like the entire bit of  bone on my back, around by my posterior, was pushed forward painfully in a jerking motion as the needle burrowed in me and sucked out some marrow. I was grabbing the pillow and turning the air pretty blue by this point.

If you've made it this far, well done. Almost there. As a reward, I'm guessing you want to see a picture of the results! So, here we are:

Looks like smoked salmon, no? In fact, it's the blood from my bones extracted from my back.
Yup. That's a bit of my marrow.

All in all, a bit of a disgusting and fairly painful procedure. And my back still aches now.

Next post is about ABVD 1a, which also happened yesterday.


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