Tuesday, 6 January 2015


Had my biopsy today. Was nerve wracking in many ways - I'd never had an operation before so I didn't know what to expect.

To be honest, the fact that I was nil by mouth was the biggest factor playing on my mind. I hadn't eaten since 11pm the previous day and hadn't had anything to drink since 5:45am! Sounds okay if you consider I got into the hospital at 7am... not okay if you consider that I wasn't readied for operating until 16:30 - a full 9 and a half hours later!

Here's a handy drawing of where the biopsy was -->

But I was really patient. I have in my head now that all these things NEED to be done in order for me to get better, and I'll live through them without complaint.

Anyway, the operation was fine. Was incredibly nervous before I went in, I felt the palpitations in my stomach and, obviously, I was empty so I was starving. I just kept thinking about eating to keep myself going rather than being worried about my op. I remember the anaesthetist talking to me as they fitted the cannula and everything began to go through me. I just passed out and I didn't remember anything after that.

I'm home now and feeling okay. My first ever operation done.

I have a CT scan on the 12th and then an oncology meeting on the 14th. I'd imagine that the 14th would form the establishment of my treatment plan and, most importantly, where I am to receive my full diagnosis. I'm obviously apprehensive, but hope that, after everything has been found and identified, that we can start moving forward to fixing me.

So there we go. It was a quick operation (just a long wait time because of our busy NHS!) and a smooth process really. Onwards and upwards.

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