Monday, 12 January 2015

Tom's Tomography

CT scan all done. Easy process really, apart from having another uncomfortable little cannula inserted into my arm. Just lying down and going through a hoop a couple of times, with arms up and arm down. Only thing that was annoying was moving my hands up after I'd been fitted with the dye. Anyway, back the cannula, it's weird but I guess I need to get used to this sight cos I'll have one in my arm soon for the next few months, or so I've been told:

Pretty, eh?

Glad that's out of the way, along with the biopsy, so it's just the third appointment to go through which completes the triple pre-treatment appointment.

I hope my brain can relax now the scan is over, and stop ruminating over every little twinge or ache in my body. The facts have been captured now.

I also hope that I don't have to keep wearing hospital gowns. I'm not sure I'm very good at pulling off the "patient chic" look:

[mane is getting long again!]

Normal day at work tomorrow, friend over tonight. Then it's results time.


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