Well, I didn't really sleep last night. At least, it took me a long while to get to sleep, despite the fact I went to bed at about 11. I don't think I was even really throwing everything about in my mind, nor in a state of acute despair. I was just preoccupied thinking about all the permutations and ramifications... seemingly a bit justified at this stage. I'm surprised how rationally and coherently I've taken everything; after the initial shock, I guess it's something that you have to wrestle into some sort of intelligible form in your head, otherwise it overwhelms you. And I'm not going to let that happen, no matter what is said tomorrow.
Luckily, I've managed to tire myself out a good deal through my extended waking hours yesterday, so hopefully I won't be as long in falling to sleep tonight. Hopefully.
I'll write at length tomorrow, but I'd guess there's a fairly good chance I'll have a decent idea what I have and the treatment plan by the time I emerge from the hospital.
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